Monday, 23 February 2015

Is it Love or just Infatuation ?

How do you know if you are in love or just infatuated with someone? It can be hard to tell, especially if the person you are into doesn't seem to feel the same way. This isn't to say that love can't be one-sided, but for many people, a sign of love is that you feel loved back.

Another way to look at it is that while infatuation can be a powerful feeling,  it is based more on the idea of someone than on who that person actually is. For many people, infatuation is connected to a deep sexual attraction that becomes obsessive. Infatuation often clouds who a person really is and makes then seem ideal when really that person is just as flawed as anyone else.  
Romantic love, on the other hand, combines sexual attraction with deeper connections and longer lasting feelings. There are actually researchers who study this kind of thing and scientists have discovered that real, long lasting love typically has three distinct components that both work in sequence and eventually work together. They are: lust, love and attachment.

Lust is a strong sexual feeling for someone else. Love is a sense of deep caring, warmth and intimacy for another person. Attachment is the feeling of connection with another person that makes you want to spend time with them and have them involved in your life.
Learning how to really understand what you are feeling about another person can be harder than you think. But if you are wondering if you are really in love or just infatuated with someone, taking the time to figure it out can be really helpful!

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